How do I create a group?

  1.  Go to Course Admin and select Groups

  2. To set up your groups, click New Category

3.  Name the Category, add a description if you’d like, and then select the Enrollment Type.

category name, description, and enrollment type options

Enrollment types with description:

    • # of Groups – No Auto Enrollments: set the number of groups, and the instructor will manually assign students to the groups
    • Groups of #: set the group capacity, i.e. “groups of 4 students”. Students will be randomly assigned
    • # of Groups:  set a group limit, i.e. “7 groups total”. Students will be randomly assigned
    • Groups of # – Self Enrollment: set the group capacity and allow students to choose their own groups
    • # of Groups, Capacity of # – Self Enrollment: set the group capacity and number of groups, and allow students to self-enroll
    • Single user, member-specific groups: set up groups of 1 (can be used for journals). Students will be randomly assigned

4.  Decide which Additional Options you would like, if any. You can also set these up later from the Discussion or Assignment tools.

additional group options

    • Set up Discussion areas – This will set up a Discussion Item that only group members can use. The instructor can also view and participate in the discussion. 
    • Set up lockers – DO NOT USE 
    • Set up assignment submission folders – This allows you to immediately create an Assignment that will be associated with these groups. This assignment will allow a group submission. You can also create a group assignment later following these instructions.

5.  Click Save

If you elected to set up a discussion area or assignment submission folder, you will be presented with screens to set those up. 

Once you are completely finished, you will see your groups on the Groups page and you can manage the enrollments from there.

NOTE: If you opted for ‘Self-Enrollment” groups where the students will choose the group, you will need to create a link to those groups in Content, Announcements or any where you have the Brightspace editor by using Quicklinks.

HTML Editor Quicklink
Last updated byElissa Tobin on July 20, 2022
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