What is Hypothes.is?


What is Hypothesis?                                                                

Hypothesis is an easy-to-use pedagogical tool that enables students and teachers to have conversations in the margins of digital texts. Using social annotation gives you new ways to foster student success by building community, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of readings.


This Hypothesis course has training materials and resources for you to use while using Hypothesis in your classes.  

Check out these Brightspace-specific and more general annotation resources in this module: Hypothesis Resources

More Resources                                                                       


Ideas and Examples

Further Reading

Training Opportunities                                                          

The Hypothesis team offers partner workshops throughout the year and we’d love to have you join us at one or more of them. There are some great options for both new users and more advanced users of the tool. View the description and schedule of these workshops.

Technical support                                                                    

Hopefully, you and your students won’t experience any technical issues when using Hypothesis in Brightspace. However, if you do, both you and your students can create a support ticket here

You can also create a support ticket and access all of the Hypothesis Knowledge Base articles directly in the annotation sidebar in your Hypothesis readings.

Last updated byElissa Tobin on February 9, 2024
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