How can I grade all my students’ written response questions on a Quiz in one place?

  1. Go to Course Admin > Quizzes


  2. Click on the dropdown menu next to the Quiz with the Written Response questions and select Grade
  1. On the Grade Quiz screen, click the Questions tab

  2. Select Grade Individual Responses (default)

  3. Click on the question to grade from the list of questions.
grade quiz questions at once
  1. On the next page, the first student’s response to that question will appear.

  2. Enter a score for that student’s response as well as any feedback (optional)

  3. Click Save and Continue to move onto the next student’s response.

  4. When finished going through all student responses, click Save and then click Go Back to Questions.

  5. Repeat these steps until you have graded all the written response questions for a Quiz.
Last updated byElissa Tobin on July 14, 2023
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