How do I get started or review the Foundations training?

Get started with Brightspace! Review the Foundations training.

The Foundations training provides us with a common experience and language.   

Take the Self-Paced Online Foundations Training to review this training and earn a digital badge. 

Please register yourself for the online, asynchronous version of the Foundations Training class

1.    Login to

2.    On the NavBar, click College Community.

3.      Search for the course called: “Brightspace Foundations Training (instructors)

3.      Click Enroll In Course and then Open Course



Watch the five parts on Youtube:

Training Agenda

    1. Navigation and Orientation
    2. Sending an email to students 
    3. Creating an announcement 
    4. Using Content
    5. Adding modules
    6. Uploading a file (syllabus) and deleting a file  
    7. Creating an Assignment and associating it with a grade item
    8. Creating a Discussion topic and associating it with a grade item
    9. Creating a Quiz and associating it with a grade it
Last updated byElissa Tobin on August 2, 2023
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