MyOpenMath Brightspace Integration
1. On MyOpenMath Side
1.1. Go to Course Items → Export, select the items you want to export, select your LMS – Brightspace, and Download the Export Cartridge
1.2. Please copy the following three items from the Export page that you need later for the integration
1. Key: LTIkey_xxxxx_1
2. Secret: xxxxxxxx
3. Launch Point:
2. On Brightspace Side
2.1. To import the cartridge in Brightspace:
• Go to Course Admin and select Import/Export/Copy Components.
• Select Import Components, and “from a course package”
• Choose the export file and click Import All Components.
• If you need to set up a course-level configuration, follow these steps.
o Go to Course Admin, and click External Learning Tools
o Click on Manage Tool Providers
o Click New Tool Provider
o For the “Launch Point” enter the address shown on the Export page (from step 1.2 above)
o For the “Secret” enter the secret you set up in your Course Settings (from step 1.2 above)
o Click the “Use custom tool information” box if needed
o For the Key, enter: LTIkey_####_1, where #### is your Course ID (from step 1.2 above)
o For the name, enter: MyOpenMath
o Click the “Allow users to use this tool provider” if that option is available.
• Under Security Settings, make sure the following options are checked (it is OK to check other ones as well):
o Send tool consumer information to tool provider
o Send context information to tool provider
o Send course information to tool provider
o Send course section information to tool provider
o Send LTI user ID and LTI role list to tool provider
o Send user name to tool provider
o Send user email to tool provider
o Send system username to tool provider
o Send system Org Defined ID to tool provider
o Send system role to tool provider
o Send link title to tool provider
o Send link description to tool provider
• Save
2.2. Next you will need to establish the connection between your MyOpenMath course and Brightspace course
• In Brightspace, click one of the assessment links in your course.
• If this is your first time using this key and secret, MyOpenMath will ask you, the teacher, to sign into your MyOpenMath account. This is necessary to establish a connection between your LMS account and your MyOpenMath account. You will not need to do this step again, and students will not be asked to sign in and will not need a MyOpenMath account.
• Follow the prompts to associate the LMS course with your existing MyOpenMath course or create a copy.
• Once complete, all the LTI links in your LMS should work.
• Be aware:
o LTI assessments may not show in the gradebook columns until a student started working on an assignment.
o Links, files, forums, and and text items were imported into your LMS. Changing them in MyOpenMath will not change them in your LMS
o If you change assessment settings or the questions in an assessment in MyOpenMath, those changes will show up when the assessment is launched from the LMS
o If you change due dates in MyOpenMath, they will be enforced by MyOpenMath, but the due dates in the LMS will not automatically be updated.
o Any new items added in MyOpenMath, including new assessments, will not automatically show up in the LMS; you would need to repeat the export/import process.
o If configured, grades will be sent from MyOpenMath to the LMS immediately every time the student completes a question, but the LMS may delay updating the grade.
Note: When configuring a course-level configuration, the use of a key in the form LTIkey_###_1 is recommended. With this type of key, students will not have or need a username for MyOpenMath, and they must access assignments via the LMS. This is usually desired when doing integration and is necessary to ensure grades are passed from MyOpenMath back to the LMS. If, however, you are not interested in grade return, and simply want to provide single-signon from your LMS into MyOpenMath while allowing direct login to MyOpenMath as well, then you can use a key of the form LTIkey_###_0 instead. This will require students to have or create an account on MyOpenMath, which they’ll have to log into once to establish the connection.
How-To Video Reference
(Note: this is not a CCC Video)