How do I create journals for each student?


Create a space where students can write privately over time by using Discussions and Groups.

1. Create a single-user group that uses a Discussion.

Go to CourseAdmin->Groups->New Category-> fill out form:  Name the category, select  enrollment type as ‘Single-user, member specific groups’, and check ‘Set up discussion area’->Submit

 in Create Restricted Topics, select

->Create and Submit->Done->Save

2. Set up how the the Journal will be assessed

In the Discussions tool, edit the new Journal Topic ->Assessment tab to setup how you want to evaluate the journal or entries.

3. Make it easier for students to find their journal. Place link in Content

In Content, select the module and add Existing Activities->Discussions->Select the journal Forum

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  1. Groups
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  3.  contnt
Last updated byElissa Tobin on September 17, 2019
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