How do I restore deleted items from the Assessment area? (Assignments/Discussions/Quizzes)

Please use this quick guide to assist you in restoring items accidently deleted in the assessment area.


  1. In your Brightspace course/shell select “Assessments” and then “Assignments”
  2. Select “More Actions” and then “Event Log”
  3. Click on “Delete” to only show deleted items and select the item you wish to restore and click “Restore”
Screenshot of Assessments/Assignments in Brightspace.
More actions in assignments


  1. In your Brightspace course/shell select “Assessments” and then desired area (Discussions or Quizzes)
  2. Select “More Actions” and then “Restore”
  3. Locate the item you wish to restore and click on “Restore”
Select Assessments and either discussions or quizzes.
More Actions and restore
Last updated byTamara Middleton on September 19, 2024
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