How do I find my courses?

To view your Brightspace courses, you must be logged into Brightspace at 

All the courses are organized by term. Tap on a term tab to view your courses for each semester.

A list of all your courses can be found under the waffle icon at the top of the screen.

My courses organized by term tabs

New courses may not get “pinned” automatically. To locate a list of all your courses:

1.  Click on the waffle icon at the top of the screen

2.  If you don’t see it in the list, search for the name or click “Search All courses” at the bottom

3.  You can click the “pin” icon to pin or unpin the courses to your homepage

Your pinned courses appear on your home page. Click on the waffle to find all of your courses. You may pin or unpin any of your courses to your home page by clicking the pushpin icon.
Last updated bybrightspaceresources_22dd57 on August 1, 2023
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