Provide your students 24/7 feedback from you using grades in Brightspace.
The Brightspace Grades tool displays simply for your students, but as with most things, making something simple requires alot of work behind the scenes. This article gathers the all the CCC Grades articles to assist you in making it easy for your students.
Grade Articles
Setup your Grades
How do I setup Grades for my course? through Grade Setup Wizard or Settings
How do I create Grade Items?
How do I associate an existing assignment with a grade item?
How do I create an extra credit grade item?
How do I assign Grades for an entire group? Also individually?
How do I drop the lowest quiz from a student’s overall grade?
How do I create a column to enter a midterm letter grade in Grades?
Creating Calculated Grade Items for Midterm and other “Milestone Grades”
How do I hide/unhide columns when entering Grades?
How do I grade an online assignment with inline annotations?
How do I publish quiz grades?
Ending the Semester
How do I release grades to students?
How do I export Grades to a file?
How do I export my Grades with a Final Letter grade?
If a student has questions about how their grade is displaying, preview the student’s grades.
What is unexpected?
- Is the grade published?
If some grade items are missing, the grade items may be date restricted.
- Check for clock icon in Assessment->Grades->Manage Grades
- Edit the grade item’s time Restrictions
- Check for clock icon in Assessment->Grades->Manage Grades
If your quizzes are not automatically grading, check quiz restrictions and publication status.
How do I see dropped students’ grades?
How can I get the grades of one student in a format that I can share?
If you do not have the option to expand your Grades to view your complete class, you have too many grade items.
- There is a Max limit for how much data can be displayed on the screen. The more grade items you have in the grade book the less amount of students can be displayed at once.
You can work around this by hiding some of the grade columns. So if you aren’t working on the last two units in your course right now, hide those units (More Actions -> Hide/Show Columns) and you should be able to see more students in the list.